A3:Project 1 – Trees

Studies of trees, individual trees, detail of tree bark, groups of trees. Among the challenges in this section was differentiating types of trees, using a range of greens in different media to describe the colours of the landscape and types of foliage.

Towards the end of work on this module,  Autumn colours were beginning to appear and some trees were changing form as foliage began to fall. The range of colours was extremely surprising – I have never looked so closely and seen the plum, violet, magenta, red and blues across the spectrum.

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  1. The coniferous tree above has some pleasing effects which were unintentional. The sketchbook page was treated with acrylic gesso but the drawing is entirely in Monteverdi brown ink (which I use in preference to black because it is less harsh and unnatural). Water was applied with a water brush in the early stage of the drawing. For some reason, the ink has broken down into the constituent pigments , perhaps through reacting with the gesso. The result is a pleasing melange of browns and pinks.imageimageimageimageimage


The image above was created by scraping into black drawing ink to reveal oil pastel under drawing. The result is pleasing and I would like to experiment further to place couples and shapes more accurately.


The above uses a monochrome spectrum of blue watercolour to define the trees through the negative space. There are some additional marks and accents in drawing ink.


Above: acrylic ink, wax pastel, sgraffito – the colours of Autumn.


Watercolour applied randomly with overdrawing of oak leaf shapes in Monteverdi brown ink.image 

A sketch of trees on a foggy morning: