Assignment 2

Assignment 2

This composition grew from the studies from the At Home project. This was the last room from drawings of various areas of the house and seemed an unprepossessing subject. However, the light quality on the day I chose to study it was very striking especially through the sheer curtain. I chose to develop this for my assignment. It was a challenge to capture the light, draw in perspective and show the ellipse of the lavatory and cover correctly. I also felt it important to convey the warmth of the room rather than the cool of the sanitaryware.

Pulling together some of the experimentation with colour and materials in this section of the course, I chose a coloured ground with tooth to support the ‘soft’ media I had selected to depict the warmth and light quality of this small room in preference to a white ground and harder, darker materials such as pencil, pen and ink or charcoal to define the hard edges of the tiles and corners.

I had been reading about the controversy surrounding Marcel Duchamp’s 1917 work ‘The Fountain’, which perhaps influenced the choice of subject for the Assignment piece’